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Software Magnetometer Requirements
currently supports a number of magnetometer models having a serial
data stream output. In addition to those magnetometers
listed below, other models will be added from time to time -- if
your unit is not listed, contact Perception Systems, Inc. for the
latest compatibility information or to discuss the addition of
other models (info@magsurvey.com).
Please note that MagSurvey also supports certain boat-towed metal
detectors, with support for more metal detectors on the way.
magnetometers output data in RS-232 serial format. If your
computer has only USB inputs available, you will need to use one
or two USB-to-serial adapters (use different models, if two are
used). This requires installing the adapter's driver
software, and then determining the emulated comport and baud rate
from the manufacturer's literature -- or by checking the
computer's Control Panel -> System -> Hardware -> Device
Manager -> Ports (Com & LPT). It is important to
install the driver software according to the developer's
instructions, and this usually involves installing the driver
before plugging-in the equipment.
Set RS232
communications to 4800 baud. Aquascan International Ltd. may
be contacted at www.aquascan.co.uk
(+44 1633 255645) in Wales, UK.
W. Fishers Proton Series:
Check your
owner's manual for any differences of your model from the
following: The RS232 Output Interface Option must be
installed in the magnetometer system. Communications are at
4800 baud, N,8,1. These are standard proton magnetometers
that typically output readings at 2, 3, or 4 second intervals.
It is recommended that speed-over-ground be kept to 2 knots or
less to reduce passing anomalies undetected. The company may
be contacted at www.jwfishers.com
(800-822-4744) in Berkley, Massachusetts.
W. Fishers PULSE 10 and PULSE 12 Boat Towed Pulse Induction Metal
Detectors with RS232 Option:
are at 4800 baud, N, 8, 1. These metal detectors output peak
readings at one second intervals. Do not connect the GPS to
the PULSE unit -- connect it only to the PC. Select the
number of sensors on the setup menu, and be sure to connect them
in the order of Fish1, Fish2, Fish3 -- to eliminate interfering
false signals from unused inputs. MagSurvey divides the raw
readings from the PULSE by 31 to yield mag-compatible ranges.
The optional altimeter information is not relayed from the PULSE
unit to the PC. Consider setting display sensitivity to
"high" and using MagSurvey's smallest-area survey
range. Company contact information is listed above.
- Gem
Systems GSM-19 Series:
Of this
series, the GSM-19M marine Overhauser-proton magnetometer can be
set to take readings at up to 5 per second. Set the GSM-19
to base station mode (screen 52), magnetometer mode, with
real-time-RS232 transmission enabled. Gem Systems offers a
special spliced cable for connection to a PC and external power.
The company may be contacted at www.gemsys.ca
(905-764-8008) in Ontario, Canada.
- Geometrics
G-877, G-880, G-881, G882, and G-886, (also G-823 airborne):
These cesium
magnetometers default to communications at 9600 baud, N,8,1 at ten
readings per second. Use the default ASCII output format.
For real-time, boat-towed operations, MagSurvey serves as the sole
PC operational software for use with these units. The
Geometrics G-880 and G-881 will initially need to have the offset
and scale factor (gain) values entered into MagSurvey Setup in
order for the depth and optional altitude readouts to display
correctly. These values are derived using the software
provided with the Geometrics units. Geometrics, Inc. may be
contacted at www.geometrics.com
(408-954-0522) in San Jose, California.
G-858 Series:
real-time, boat-mounted operations, MagSurvey serves as the sole
PC operational software for use with these units. This
cesium mag can operate at up to ten readings per second.
The Geometrics G-858 must be used in BASE STATION mode and
Real-Time-Transfer must be enabled through the System Setup
Menu. External power may optionally be applied to the
unit. It is recommended that the G-858's communications
port be set to 9600 baud, N,8,1.
These are
anisotropic magneto-resistive magnetometer modules using triple
orthogonal sensors and communicating at 9600 baud. Readout
is not in nanoTesslas, so sensitivity is somewhat undefined.
Honeywell can be contacted at www.honeywell.com/magneticsensors
(800-323-8295) in Plymouth, MN.
MAGIS and SMM-III (formerly Geomag, and formerly Oceano):
The MAGIS and
SMM-III enhanced marine Overhauser-proton magnetometers take ten
readings per second. Set RS232 communications to 9600 baud,
N, 8, 1. Please see www.ixsea.com,
products section, for information on this international company's
magnetometer products.
Magnetics Corporation SeaSPY and Explorer Series:
For real-time,
boat-towed operations, MagSurvey serves as the sole PC operational
software for use with this unit -- once the basic operating
parameters have been set into the unit using the company's SeaLINK
or SeaNAV software. This needs to be done only once since
SeaSPY will remember these settings. This magnetometer
communicates at 9600 baud, N,8,1. Set the unit to text
mode. It is recommended that cycle time be set to 250ms.
In MagSurvey Equipment Setup for depth, set Offset = 0 and Scale
Factor = 3.28 (for depth in feet), or Scale Factor = 1 (for
depth in meters). Magsurvey is also capable of operating
alongside SeaNAV using separate computers (leave both of the
serial port cables' pin 3 TXD lines unconnected on the computer
running MagSurvey). Marine Magnetics Corporation may be
contacted at www.marinemagnetics.com
(905-709-3135) in Ontario, Canada.
Systems TargetSpy Metal Detector Interface:
is an interface module intended to interface most metal detectors
having audio output from a headphone jack. The product is
scheduled for release by this company in the second quarter of
2014; it uses a USB output that emulates a serial port at 4800
Electronics MX500 Digital (single towfish configuration only):
Planet Electronics' MXSurveyII software needs to be running on a
computer with this magnetometer, using MagSurvey requires a second
computer with a single serial port connected with a splitter to
the PC's RxD and ground connections (do not connect to pin 3
-- TxD). Set the serial port for 19200 baud, N, 8, 1, and
set as a single (combined) channel.
Sensing Discovery Series:
magnetometers have both 5 volt serial (modified RS-232) and RS-485
outputs. The 5V-RS-232 output will normally be used, and it
operates at 9600 baud, N,8,1. This is a standard proton
magnetometer that outputs readings at 2.5, 5, or 10 second
intervals. It will be normal for MagSurvey to indicate "Mag
Lost" between readings if the interval is set at 10 seconds.
If using the 10 second setting, it is recommended that
speed-over-ground be kept to 2 knots or less to reduce passing
anomalies undetected. If your unit is equipped with a depth
sensor, use Offset = 0 and Scale Factor = 1 for depth in MagSurvey
Equipment Setup. Quantro Sensing may be contacted at
(321-412-1160), in central Florida.
Sensing Data Logging Models:
This setting
is for specialized Quantro Sensing magnetometers having an
attached data logger for blind recording of GPS and magnetometer
data -- without a PC. All of the data is later downloaded
into a PC running MagSurvey for analysis. See the
Discovery series description, above, for general setup
information, and refer to the magnetometer documentation for
detailed data logger operating instructions. Quantro Sensing
may be contacted at www.quantrosensing.com
(321-412-1160), in Florida.
Instruments GAU-30:
Likely a
differential flux gate magnetometer (dual-sensor gradiometer).
We know little about this magnetometer at this time, and the unit
may not be compatible with the MagSurvey software. The RS232
communications parameters will be set automatically by MagSurvey,
except for the com port number.
- Shark
Marine SDM-4000:
These are
anisotropic magneto-resistive magnetometers using triple
orthogonal sensors and communicating at 9600 baud. Readout
is not in nanoTesslas, so sensitivity is somewhat undefined.
Shark Marine can be contacted at www.sharkmarine.com
(905-687-6672) in Ontario, Canada.

O. Land
8117A Northboro Ct, West Palm Beach, FL 33406
Email: info@magsurvey.com